Industry Specific Applications


Track equipment, staff, medication carts, and more with Ubitrax. Monitor processes, assets, interactions and more with Ubivision.

  • Real-time monitoring of equipment location and movement
  • Process and procedure management and optimization
  • Automated action oriented customizable reporting
  • Multi-floor multi-building inventory and asset management


Gain valuable real-time customer informatics which inform business operations, marketing spends, and customer acquisition.

  • Monitor product display effectiveness and interaction
  • Analyze customer demographics and in-store movement
  • Compare store-to-store customer activity in real time
  • Monitor and improve store operations and process flow.


 Secure on-demand location and movement tracking with Ubitrax. Visual navigation and operational activity monitoring with Ubivision.

  • On-demand secure accurate position and movement tracking
  • Indoor or outdoor tracking of assets, equipment, or people
  • Computer vision support for logistics, security, or operations
  • Visual based indoor/outdoor navigation without GPS support


Contact us and explain what you are looking to do, and we will work with you to develop a solution that fits your needs.

We look forward to helping your company reach its full potential!